Dog Grooming

Dog grooming ensures your dog stays clean and healthy through baths, fur brushing, nail trimming, and de-shedding It’s vital for their well-being and appearance. Grooming encompasses practical tasks such as removing dirt and loose fur, alongside enhancing their looks and hygiene.


This clip is designed as an in between clip, focusing on keep your pet tidy. Especially through winter when you would like to keep the coat longer.
Includes: bath/blow dry plus a tidy of the face, feet and bottom.

Full Clip

The Full Clip is designed for an all over groom. Summer – the coat can be quite short.
Winter – where the coat can be clipped to a suitable length.
Includes: bath/blow dry plus a full body groom.


De-shedding is designed to remove the dead undercoat on your dog. Includes: Bath/Blow Dry using de-shedding shampoo and a special de-shedding comb to brush out the coat. Great for breeds such as; German Shepherds, Huskies, Malamutes and any dog that loses hair everywhere.

Benefits of Grooming

  • Dogs look Great!
  • Dog’s nails are cut- long nails can cause the dog to be in pain and walk improperly.
  • Ears are cleaned- dirty ears can lead to infection.
  • Hairs between the paws are clipped.